How to get to Paseky

This page was created for those who want to drive to Paseky on their own or just want to have more information about the place. Generally, the transportation from Prague to Paseky and back by bus is a part of a conference service.

The exact address of the hotel:

Hotel Albert
Paseky nad Jizerou 99
512 47
Czech Republic

Phone/Fax: [+420] 481 522 350

No email is available (some people consider this to be an advantage).


The distance from Prague to Paseky is approximately 120 km to the north-east. Nevertheless, the time needed to cover the distance by car is 1.5 to 2 hours. The reason is that the last few kilometers you pass through an almost-mountain terrain (approx 1000m high). If you drive during the winter season, the snow chains are strongly recommended! The Czech name of the hills in which Paseky are located is "Krkonose".

Czech republic

If you want to drive from Prague to Paseky, you leave Prague in the north direction using the dual carriage road (the highway) E65 (local number of the road: 10). The general direction of your trip is characterized by the following city names: Mlada Boleslav, Turnov, Liberec, Harrachov, Zelezny Brod. You leave Prague, pass by the town of Mlada Boleslav and keep going in the direction of Turnov.

Somewhere near the town of Turnov you be carefull not to turn off to Liberec, but to keep going straghforwardly to Turn Off, sorry, to Turnov. Somewhere there you face the end of the highway and you continue on a ordinary road number 10. From Turnov you continue to enter Zelezny Brod and then Plavy, while the general direction is always to Harrachov. The distance from Prague to Plavy is approximately 100 km. The village of Plavy is important to you, since this is the place you turn right to local roads.

A map

More detailed version of the above map (770 kB!) is available here.

Now: in Plavy you turn right to the direction of Zlata Olesnice and then you follow the direction of Sklenarice. Sklenarice are at the distance about 10-15 km from Plavy. Then, in Sklenarice you will come to the crossroad, on which you will see the pub named "Mexiko", just in front of you. On this crossroad you turn left (the road number 290) and after some 1.5 km you turn right, following the arrow to PASEKY. (Actually, the full name of the village is Paseky nad Jizerou, but it's often abbreviated to Paseky n. Jiz. or simply Paseky).

Local map

You keep going down the hill and through the forest, and then little bit up the hill when approaching the place. After some 2 km you should be there. The hotel is a big house with a green roof. When coming near to the hotel, there is a hill on your left-hand side with ski-tow. On the following picture, you find yourself coming from the left-hand side of the picture, and the hill with ski-tow is just the one behind the hotel:

The hotel

The following picture was taken from the top of the "hill with ski-tow", located behind the hotel.

The hotel

Anyway, it's worth to look at the map.