1. download and install microsoft visual c++ 2019 (it is necessary for install virtual box)
  2. download and install virtual box
  3. download Image (file UBUNTU.vdi) with wirtual ubuntu (for example into folder C:\VIRTUAL)
  4. run VirtualBOX and click on „Computer“ and select „New“ as „Name“ fill UBUNTU
  5. click on „Next“ and set a properties of new virtual machine
  6. select „Use an Existing Virtual Hard Disc file“ and click on Yellow icon on right side
  7. in next window click on , select file c:\VIRTUAL\UBUNTU.vdi and click on button “Choose”
  8. click on “Next” and “Finish”. Now you can see a new virtual machine “UBUNTU” – you can run this machine by doubleclick on it.
  9. in this virtual machine is user ubuntu with password 1+2+3+4+5 after login you can switch it to fullscreen mode by keyboard shortcut RightCTRL+F