Very short introduction to Python

Python is interpreted, dynamic-typed language.

Task 1. Start Python interpreter by typing python to shell and type in Hello world!

>>> # Let's try Hello world! This is a comment.
>>> print "Hello world!"
Hello world!

Basic datatypes

Task 2. Try using Python as an interactive calculator. Play with basic arithmetic operations; check the distinction of int and float datatypes. Complex numbers are written as 1.0 + 2.0j. Power is written using double asterisk. Elementary functions are available in math module:

>>> import math
>>> math.sqrt(4.0)

>>> from math import cos
>>> cos(0.0)

>>> # Import everything from math
>>> # Generally not a preferred way - obfuscates the namespace
>>> from math import *
>>> sin(pi)

>>> # Let's learn how to fly
>>> import antigravity

Container datatypes

>>> # Lists are ordered collection of objects
>>> philoshophers = ['Cimrman', 'Landau', 'Lifschitz', 'Souček']

>>> # First item has index 0!
>>> philosophers[0]

>>> # Items can accessed backwards by negative indices
>>> print philosophers[-1]

>>> # Slice ending index is one item farther
>>> philosophers[1:3]
['Landau', 'Lifschitz']

>>> # Strides
>>> philosophers[1:4:2]
['Landau', 'Sou\xc4\x8dek']

>>> # Any index can be ommited
>>> philosophers[:]
['Cimrman', 'Landau', 'Lifschitz', 'Sou\xc4\x8dek']
>>> philosophers[::2]
['Cimrman', 'Lifschitz']

>>> # Dictionary is indexed by any (hashable) object
>>> glass_volume = {'wine': 0.2,
...                 'beer': 0.5,
...                 'slivovice': 0.05}
>>> ethanol_concentation = {'wine': 0.1,
...                         'beer': 0.05,
...                         'slivovice': 0.52}
>>> print "One glass of wine has", \
...    str(glass_volume['wine']*ethanol_concentration['wine']), \
...    "litres of ethanol."
One glass of wine has 0.02 litres of ethanol.

Flow control and functions

>>> # Blocks are defined by indentation
>>> # Use consistently spaces; don't mix with tabs - danger
>>> for i in range(10, -1, -1):
...     print i, 'green', {True: 'bottle', False: 'bottles'}[i==1], \
...         'hanging on the wall'

>>> for os in ['Windows', 'Linux', 'Apples MacOS X', 'BSD']:
...     if 's' in os:
...         print os, 'sucks'

>>> a = [3, 7, 666, 42, 616]
>>> # Find divisible by 3
>>> a_3 = []
>>> for n in a:
...     if n%3 == 0:
...         a_3.append(n)

>>> # The same can be achieved by list comprehension
>>> a_3 = [n for n in a if n%3 == 0]

>>> def heaviside(x):
...     if x > 0.0:
...         y = 1.0
...     elif x < 0.0:
...         y = -1.0
...     else:
...         y = 0.0
...     return y

Task 3. Exploiting glass_volume and ethanol_concentation variables defined above write function taking dictionary with keys of beverage type and values of number of glasses drunk and returning total volume of alcohol drunk.

Reference solution

def methanol_enrichment_factor():
    from datetime import date
    today =
    return 1.5 if today.year == 2012 and today.month >= 9 else 1.0

def alcohol(glasses):
    # Let's do it by list comprehension
    ethanol = sum([glasses[d]*glass_volume[d]*ethanol_concentration[d]
                   for d in glasses])
    alcohol = ethanol*methanol_enrichment_factor()
    return alcohol

What is variable, mutabulity and imutability

Every variable in Python is just a name for an object. (Remember, evything in Python is object.) Understanding semantics of assignmenet operator is crucial thing! Consider following snippet

>>> a = 42
>>> b = a
>>> b
>>> b = 666
>>> a

In this example a is a name for the integer object (with value 42). On the second line name b was bound to the same object. Then name b was bound to the other int object (with value 666). This cannot change the value of the original object (which a bounds to). This holds for object of any type.

The statement name = object causes that name afterwards has no connection to the prior object it was referring to and the prior object is not changed in any way. (With the exception that original object may be garbage-collected if referenced nowhere else.)

On the other hand there are of course ways to change (mutate) objects (which are mutable). The basic numeric types like int, float etc. are imutable. Some container data types (for instance list, dict) and user-defined objects (classes, see below) are mutable.

>>> drinks = ['beer', 'wine', 'wine', 'wine', 'cognac', 'wine']
>>> drinks[0] = ['tea']
>>> drinks
['tea', 'wine', 'wine', 'wine', 'cognac', 'wine']
>>> drinks.append('last small congnac') # mutating object
>>> drinks
['tea', 'wine', 'wine', 'wine', 'cognac', 'wine', 'last small congnac']

>>> id(drinks)
>>> drinks = drinks + ['last small cognac']
>>> # drinks now has expected value but is is a new object - compare id
>>> drinks
['tea', 'wine', 'wine', 'wine', 'cognac', 'wine', 'last small congnac', 'last
small congnac', 'last small congnac']
>>> id(drinks)

>>> # operator += may mutate (mutable) object
>>> drinks += ['last small cognac']
>>> drinks, id(drinks)
(['tea', 'wine', 'wine', 'wine', 'cognac', 'wine', 'last small congnac', 'last
small congnac', 'last small congnac', 'last small congnac'], 140457968276184)

>>> # On the other hand imutable object cannot be mutated in any way
>>> a = 42
>>> id(a)
>>> a += 1
>>> id(a)

Concluding, assignment operator everytime bounds a name on lhs to an object on rhs so that nothing is mutated. Member methods (like list.append in the example above) may mutate a mutable object. Operators like += may mutate a mutable object. It is depending on implementation. In fact, line drinks += ['last small cognac'] is interpreted as drinks.__iadd__(['last small cognac']) which mutates the object. On the other hand a = 42; a += 1 is interpreted as a = 42; a = a.__add__(1) because int object has not __iadd__ method (as it is imutable and cannot be incremented in-place) so that __add__ method returning a new int object is called.