Hello, my name is Ondřej Kincl and I am a mathematician and a postdoc at the University of Trento, Italy.
Previously, I studied at Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic.
My main interests are: hydrodynamics, partial differential equations, smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) and related topics. I am a member of SIAM Student Chapter Prague.
In my free time, I like hiking, classical music and amateur astronomy.
I am also a fan of xkcd and monospace fonts.
Download my CV.
My academic profile.
* Developing a code for Semi-Implicit Lagrangian Voronoi Approximation (SILVA)
* Author of
SmoothedParticles.jl: a library for smoothed particle hydrodynamics in Julia.
* Project START/SCI/053: Novel multiscale approach to the dynamics of superfluid helium.
* In my master thesis, I developped a theory to explain SETUR (Sedláček's rolling turbine)
Doctoral thesis: Extension of smoothed particle hydrodynamics based on Poisson brackets
Master thesis: Thermodynamic modelling of rolling fluid turbine
Bachelor thesis: Conformal mappings and Laplace equation
Email: kincl@karlin.mff.cuni.cz
GitHub: https://github.com/OndrejKincl