SEEDS Data: pot n r cult soil 1 16 8 0 0 2 51 26 0 0 3 45 23 0 0 4 39 10 0 0 5 36 9 0 0 6 81 23 1 0 7 30 10 1 0 8 39 17 1 0 9 28 8 1 0 10 62 23 1 0 11 51 32 0 1 12 72 55 0 1 13 41 22 0 1 14 12 3 0 1 15 13 10 0 1 16 79 46 1 1 17 30 15 1 1 18 51 32 1 1 19 74 53 1 1 20 56 12 1 1 Description: In a seed germination test, seeds of two cultivars were planted in pots of two soil conditions. The following statements create the data set seeds, which contains the observed proportion of seeds that germinated for various combinations of cultivar and soil condition. The variable n represents the number of seeds planted in a pot, and the variable r represents the number germinated. The indicator variables cult and soil represent the cultivar and soil condition, respectively. Format: - pot id of the pot - n number of seeds planted in a pot - r number of seeds germinated in a pot - cult cultivar condition (0/1) - soil soil condition (0/1) Task: Model the proportion of germinated seeds.