Modelling, PDE analysis and computational mathematics in materials science

Prague, Czech Republic, 22nd–27th September 2024

Basic info

Czech Science Foundation, Czech Republic; Ministry of Eduaction, Youth and Sports, Czech Republic; Charles University, Czech Republic

About the conference

At the conference, recent mathematical results in continuum mechanics will be presented. The overarching aim is to treat physical materials as meaningful mathematical objects, resulting in mathematical models that can be used for the computational simulation of their behaviour. To this end, three complementary subject areas will be focused on by experts in

The emphasis will be on the mathematical analysis of partial differential equations. Accordingly one plenary lecture in the area of modelling will be combined with one lecture in the area of scientific computing and numerical analysis, and two lectures in the area of analysis of partial differential equations. The objective is to illuminate recent progress and research objectives in these three subject areas; to provide a platform for the comparison of mathematical observations, physical concepts and computational challenges; and to reveal and evaluate ongoing research in each of these three fields and its impact on, and connections with, the other two subject areas listed.

Funding for the conference is partially provided by the grants Mathematical analysis of partial differential equations describing far-from-equilibrium open systems in continuum thermodynamics (principal investigator Miroslav Bulíček; funded by the Czech Science Foundation) and Analysis for systems of partial differential equations describing the contact between fluids and solids (principal investigator Sebastian Schwarzacher; ERC-CZ project funded by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports; Czech Republic).


You can register here. Please read carefully the instructions on the registration page, registration deadline is 29th August 2024.



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© 2023–2024 Miroslav Bulíček, Josef Málek, Vít Průša, Endre Süli and Sebastian Schwarzacher; Last modified: Tue Jan 28 12:53:35 PM CET 2025