
  • PhD in Probability (2017-2021): at Charles University under supersition of Zbyněk Pawlas.Thesis.
  • Master’s in Probability (2015-2017): cum laude at Charles University under supersition of Viktor Beneš.Thesis.
  • Bachelors’s in Mathematics (2011-2015): at Charles University under supersition of Viktor Beneš.Thesis.

Research Experience

  • Part-time researcher (Apr 2022-present): Charles University, Department of Probability and Mathematical Statistics. Research concerning probabilistic modeling and asymptotic inference of shape memory alloy polycrystals.
  • Postdoc researcher (Oct 2022-Sep 2023): Université de Lille, Laboratoire Paul Painlevé. One year postdoc position supervised by prof. David Dereudre. The research concerned hyperuniformity of Gibbs point processes and perturbed lattices.
  • Research stay in Germany (Jan 2019-Jul 2019): University of Augsburg, Institute of Mathematics. Six months research stay under the supervision of prof. Lothar Heinrich. The research concerned asymptotic properties of cylinder processes driven by Brillinger-mixing point processes.
  • Research stay in USA (Dec 2018): Lehigh University, Department of Mathematics. Short stay to cooperate with prof. Joseph Yukich that led to a joint publication presenting Horvitz-Thompson type of estimators in weighted Voronoi tessellations and their asymptotic properties using stabilization methods.


  • Probability and statistics: Exercise classes of fundamentals in probability and statistics for IT students (2018 - 2020)
  • Supervision of master theses:
    Hull-White model: forward-looking vs backward-looking approaches (assigned 2023)
    Range accrual valuation (assigned 2023)

Awards and Honors

  • Grant by Charles University Grant Agency (2019-2021):Funding for the project Asymptotic inference of marked particle processes.
  • DAAD scholarship and Fond mobility scholarship (2019): A scholarship for a research stay in Germany for 6 months in 2019.
  • Awardee in the national master thesis competition (2017): Second place in the national master thesis competition in the fields of Probability, Mathematical Statistics and Econometry with a thesis Consequences and applications of the Fock space representation theorem.
  • Awardee in the national student scientific competition (2017): Second place in the national round of student scientific competition with a work Generalizations of some asymptotic results for Gibbs particle processes using Stein's method
  • Scholarship for excellent grades (2015-2017): A scholarship for excellent grades and graduation with honor during master studies

Professional Affiliations

  • The Union of Czech Mathematicians and Physicists (2016-present)
  • Mensa of the Czech Republic (2014-present)