
The two-sample problem in censored data analysis

We consider two independent censored samples of sizes \(n_1\) and \(n_2\), one sample with survival function \(S_1(t)\) and cumulative hazard \(\Lambda_1(t)\), the other sample with survival function \(S_2(t)\) and cumulative hazard \(\Lambda_2(t)\). The censoring distribution need not be the same in both groups.

Consider the hypothesis \[ \begin{aligned} \mathrm{H}_0: &\, S_1(t)=S_2(t) \quad \forall t>0, \\ \mathrm{H}_1: &\, S_1(t)\neq S_2(t) \quad \text{ for some } t>0, \end{aligned} \quad \Longleftrightarrow \quad \begin{aligned} \mathrm{H}_0: &\, \Lambda_1(t)=\Lambda_2(t) \quad \forall t>0, \\ \mathrm{H}_1: &\, \Lambda_1(t)\neq \Lambda_2(t) \quad \text{ for some } t>0. \end{aligned} \]

Weighted logrank statistics

The class of weighted logrank test statistics for testing \(H_0\) against \(H_1\) is \[ W_K=\int_0^\infty K(s)\,\mathrm{d}(\widehat{\Lambda}_1-\widehat{\Lambda}_2)(s), \] where \[ K(s)=\sqrt{\frac{n_1n_2}{n_1+n_2}} \frac{\overline{Y}_1(s)}{n_1}\, \frac{\overline{Y}_2(s)}{n_2}\,\frac{n_1+n_2}{\overline{Y}(s)}W(s) \] and \(W(s)\) is a weight function – it governs the power of the test against different alternatives.

  1. \(W(s)=1\) is the logrank test. It is most powerful against proportional hazards alternatives, i.e., \(\lambda_1(t)=c\lambda_2(t)\) for some positive constant \(c\neq 1\).

  2. \(W(s)=\overline{Y}(s)/(n+1)\) is the Gehan-Wilcoxon test which in the uncensored case is equivalent to two-sample Wilcoxon test. This test puts more weight on early differences in hazard functions than on differences that occur later.

  3. \(W(s)=\widehat{S}(s-)\) is the Prentice-Wilcoxon test (also known as Peto-Prentice or Peto and Peto test). It is especially powerful against alternatives with strong early effects that weaken over time. Preferred compared to Gehan-Wilcoxon test.

  4. \(W(s)=\left[\widehat{S}(s-)\right]^\rho\left[1-\widehat{S}(s-)\right]^\gamma\) is the \(G(\rho,\gamma)\) class of tests of Fleming-Harrington. The logrank test is a special case for \(\rho=\gamma=0\), the Prentice-Wilcoxon test is a special case for \(\rho=1,\ \gamma=0\). The \(G(0,1)\) test is especially powerful against alternatives with little initial difference in hazards that gets stronger over time.

Let \(\widehat\sigma^2_K\) be the estimated variance of \(W_K\) under \(H_0\), which is of the form \[ \widehat{\sigma}_K^2 = \int \limits_{0}^{\infty} \dfrac{K^2(s)}{\overline{Y}_1(s) \overline{Y}_2(s)} \left(1 - \dfrac{\Delta \overline{N}(s)-1}{\overline{Y}(s) - 1}\right) \,\mathrm{d} \overline{N}(s). \] It can be shown that, under \(H_0\), \[ \frac{W_K}{\widehat\sigma_K}\stackrel{D}{\longrightarrow}\mathsf{N}(0,1) \qquad\text{ and }\qquad \frac{W^2_K}{\widehat\sigma^2_K}\stackrel{D}{\longrightarrow}\chi^2_1. \]

Calculation of weighted logrank statistics

Let \(t_1<t_2<\cdots<t_d\) be the ordered distinct failure times in both samples. The weighted logrank test statistic (without the normalizing constant depending on \(n_1\) and \(n_2\)) can be written as \[ \sum_{j=1}^d \biggl(\Delta\overline{N}_1(t_j)-\Delta\overline{N}(t_j) \frac{\overline{Y_1}(t_j)}{\overline{Y}(t_j)}\biggr) W(t_j). \] The variance estimator \(\widehat{\sigma}_K^2\) (again without the normalizing constant depending on \(n_1\) and \(n_2\)) can be calculated using the following formula \[ \sum \limits_{j = 1}^d \Delta N(t_j) \cdot \dfrac{\overline{Y}_1(t_j) \overline{Y}_2(t_j)}{\left(\overline{Y}(t_j)\right)^2} \cdot \dfrac{\overline{Y}(t_j) - \Delta N(t_j)}{\overline{Y}(t_j) - 1} \cdot \left(W(t_j)\right)^2. \]

Task 1

Download the dataset km_all.RData.

The dataframe inside is called all. It includes 101 observations and three variables. The observations are acute lymphatic leukemia [ALL] patients who had undergone bone marrow transplant. The variable time contains time (in months) since transplantation to either death/relapse or end of follow up, whichever occured first. The outcome of interest is time to death or relapse of ALL (relapse-free survival). The variable delta includes the event indicator (1 = death or relapse, 0 = censoring). The variable type distinguishes two different types of transplant (1 = allogeneic, 2 = autologous).

Using ordinary R functions (not the survival library), calculate and print the following table:

\(j\) \(t_j\) \(d_{1j}\) \(d_{j}\) \(y_{1j}\) \(y_j\) \(e_j=d_j\frac{y_{1j}}{y_j}\) \(d_{1j}-e_j\) \(v_j=d_j\dfrac{y_{1j} (y_j-y_{1j}) (y_j-d_j)}{y_j^2 (y_j - 1)}\)

where \(j\) is the order of the failures, \(t_j\) is the ordered failure time, \(d_{1j}=\Delta\overline{N}_1(t_j)\), \(d_j=\Delta\overline{N}(t_j)\), \(y_{1j}=\overline{Y}_1(t_j)\), \(y_j=\overline{Y}(t_j)\).

Use these values to perform logrank test on your own.

BONUS: Try to implement \(G(\rho,\gamma)\) test, remember, you need left-continuous version of Kaplan-Meier estimator of survival function.

Implementation in R

The function survdiff in the library survival can calculate \(G(\rho,0)\) statistics. The default is \(\rho=0\), that is, the logrank test. Output is a list with:

## Call:
## survdiff(formula = Surv(time, delta) ~ type, data = all)
##         N Observed Expected (O-E)^2/E (O-E)^2/V
## type=1 50       22     24.2     0.195     0.382
## type=2 51       28     25.8     0.182     0.382
##  Chisq= 0.4  on 1 degrees of freedom, p= 0.5

The function FHtestrcc in the library FHtest can calculate \(G(\rho,\gamma)\) statistics for non-zero \(\gamma\). The default is \(\rho=0,\ \gamma=0\), that is, the logrank test. The parameter \(\gamma\) is entered as the argument lambda. For the proper choice of \(\rho\) and \(\gamma\) read Details of help(FHtestrcc). Output is a list with:

FHtestrcc(Surv(time,delta)~type, data=all)
FHtestrcc(Surv(time,delta)~type, data=all, rho=0.5, lambda=2)
##  Two-sample test for right-censored data
## Parameters: rho=0.5, lambda=2
## Distribution: counting process approach
## Data: Surv(time, delta) by type
##         N Observed Expected    O-E (O-E)^2/E (O-E)^2/V
## type=1 50    0.961     1.69 -0.732     0.316      5.63
## type=2 51    2.369     1.64  0.732     0.327      5.63
## Statistic Z= 2.4, p-value= 0.0176
## Alternative hypothesis: survival functions not equal


The library FHtest requires library Icens which has been removed from R and cannot be installed by standard methods. It is available from the Bioconductor repository. It can be downloaded manually and installed by a command such as:

install.packages("", repos =NULL)
Task 1 (comparison with survdiff and FHtestrcc output)

Compare your calculation of logrank test with the output of the functions survdiff and FHtestrcc in the case of dataset all.

Task 2

In the all data, investigate the difference in survival and hazard functions according to the type of transplant. Remember that the outcome is relapse-free survival.

  1. Calculate and plot estimated survival functions by the type of transplant (1 = allogeneic, 2 = autologous). Distinguish the groups by color. Add a legend.

  2. Calculate and plot Nelson-Aalen estimators of cumulative hazard functions by the type of transplant (1 = allogeneic, 2 = autologous). Distinguish the groups by color. Add a legend.

  3. Calculate and plot smoothed hazard functions by the type of transplant (1 = allogeneic, 2 = autologous). Distinguish the groups by color. Add a legend.

  4. Perform logrank, Prentice-Wilcoxon and \(G(0,1)\) tests using functions survdiff or FHtestrcc. Interpret the results. Which test is more suitable in this case?

  • Deadline: Monday 7th December 9:00.

Hint for obtaining smoothed hazard functions:

haz = muhaz(all$time,all$delta)
plot(haz, col = "black", lwd = 2)