Why only a day?
Originally, this event was common for all doctoral students of the Faculty
of Mathematics and Physics and it took one week wherefore it was given the name
WDS (Week of Doctoral Students). This name was kept also after splitting
this event to the three schools of our faculty. However, at the School of
Mathematics, we were always able to make it in one day during the past years
and hence, starting from the last year, we decided to use the name DDS
(Day of Doctoral Students). In this year, that day is
June 29, 2022
and the place will be the hallway and adjacent
lecture halls on the ground floor of the Karlín building.
The registration for DDS is open already now - please register by
June 12, 23:59. It is not
necessary to send abstracts of your talks as a part of the registration, these
will be needed one week later. For more details on registration and the
organization of DDS, see the link "Guidelines".