Stránka o brožuře věnované vybraným softwarům pro řešení úloh stochastického programování ZDE.
Program bude průběžně doplňován. Hosté jsou srdečně zváni.
Poznatky z konferencí (CMS, IFIP, MME a dalších). Informace ke konferencím EURO 2012 ve Vilniusu a ICSP 2013 v Bergamu. Upřesnění programu semináře.
- Autor:
- Prof. RNDr. Jitka Dupačová, DrSc.
- Datum:
- 13.10.2011
Jednoduchý model trhu s tvůrcem a jeho implikace pro dynamiku ceny a obchodovaného objemu
- Autor:
- RNDr. Martin Smíd, Ph.D.
- Datum:
- 20.10.2011
Seminář se nekoná
- Autor:
- -
- Datum:
- 27.10.2011
Sample approximation technique for mixed-integer chance constrained problems (with application to vehicle routing and lot-sizing problems)
- Autor:
- RNDr. Martin Branda, Ph.D.
- Datum:
- 3.11.2011
Empirické odhady
- Autor:
- RNDr. Vlasta Kaňková, CSc., RNDr. Michal Houda, Ph.D.
- Datum:
- 10.11.2011
Seminář se nekoná
- Autor:
- -
- Datum:
- 24.11.2011
Distributionally Robust Joint Chance Constraints with Second-Order Moment Information, pozvánka zde
- Autor:
- Dr. Daniel Kuhn (Imperial College London)
- Datum:
- 1.12.2011
- Abstrakt:
- We develop tractable semidefinite programming-based approximations for distributionally robust individual and joint chance constraints, assuming that only the first- and second-order moments as well as the support of the uncertain parameters are given. It is known that robust chance constraints can be conservatively approximated by Worst-Case Conditional Value-at-Risk constraints. We first prove that this approximation is exact for robust individual chance constraints with concave or (not necessarily concave) quadratic constraint functions. By using the theory of moment problems we then obtain a conservative approximation for joint chance constraints. This approximation affords intuitive dual interpretations and is provably tighter than two popular benchmark approximations. The tightness depends on a set of scaling parameters, which can be tuned via a sequential convex optimization algorithm. We show that the approximation becomes in fact exact when the scaling parameters are chosen optimally. We evaluate our joint chance constraint approximation in the context of a dynamic water reservoir control problem.
The minimization of max-separable objective function under (max,min)-linear equations constraints
- Autor:
- Mahmoud Attya Mohamed Gad
- Datum:
- 8.12.2011
Application of stochastic programming in electricity trading
- Autor:
- RNDr. Vadym Omelchenko
- Datum:
- 15.12.2011
Risk Averse Stochastic Dual Dynamic Programming
- Autor:
- Mgr. Václav Kozmík
- Datum:
- 22.12.2011
Inženýrské aplikace stochastického programování v Brně v roce 2011
- Autor:
- RNDr. Pavel Popela, Ph.D.
- Datum:
- 5.1.2012
Obhajoby ekonometrických projektů
- Autor:
- -
- Datum:
- 12.1.2012