More detailed CV can be downloaded here


  • 2021 habilitation: Mathematics–Mathematical Analysis, Charles University, Prague, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Thesis: Mathematical analysis of nonlinear systems describing flows of incompressible fluids
  • 2003-2006 Ph.D.: Mathematical and Computational Modeling, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic
    Thesis: Navier's slip and evolutionary Navier-Stokes-Fourier- like systems with pressure, shear-rate and temperature dependent viscosity
    Supervisor: Josef Málek
  • 1998-2003 Master: Mathematical modeling in physics and technology, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic
    Thesis: Dynamical systems in mechanics of incompressible fluids
    Supervisor: Josef Málek


Fellowships and Awards

Organization of scientific meetings

Completed projects

  • GAČR project 18-12719S: Thermodynamical and mathematical analysis of flows of complex fluids, member of the team, 2019-2021
  • GAČR 16-03230S: Theoretical and numerical analysis of heat conducting fluid flow models, member of the team, 2016-2018
  • ERC-CZ no. LL1202: Research project MOdelling REvisited + MOdel REduction, 2012-2017, member of the team
  • GAČR 201/09/0917: Research grant Mathematical and computer analysis of the evolution processes in nonlinear viscoelastic fluid-like materials, 2009-2013, member of the team
  • GAUK 6/2005/R: Starting grant for doctoral students Nonlinear models in continuum mechanics, 2005-2006, member of the team
  • GAUK 309811/2011: Starting grant for doctoral students Mathematical analysis and computer simulations of models of incompressible fluids with concentration dependent material moduli, 2012-2013, supervisor

Selection of invited lectures

  • Parabolic-like problems with p(t, x) setting with discontinuity in time variable, invited lecture at conference "Lavrentiev's phenomenon, approximation, and regularity", Warsaw, Poland, November 2023
  • Coupling Navier-Stokes-Fourier with the Johnson-Segalman stress-diffusive viscoelastic model: global-in-time large-data analysis, invited lecture at workshop "Energetic Methods for Multi-Component Reactive Mixtures Modelling, Stability, and Asymptotic Analysis", Berlin, Germany, September 2023
  • Existence analysis of a stationary compressible fluid model for heat-conducting and chemically reacting mixtures, invited lecture at minisymposia at the conference "The 13th AIMS Conference on Dynamical Systems, Differential Equations and Applications", Wilmington, USA, June 2023
  • Viscoelastic rate-type fluids: Existence, regularity, stability, invited lecture at minisymposia at the conference "The 13th AIMS Conference on Dynamical Systems, Differential Equations and Applications", Wilmington, USA, June 2023
  • Convergence to equilibria for weak solutions of heat conducting non-Newtonian fluids, invited lecture at the workshop "BI.discrete Workshop", Bielefeld, Germany, August 2022
  • Mathematical analysis of viscoelastic fluids with stress diffusion, invited lecture at the workshop "Lions-Magenes days", Paris, France, September 2019
  • Limiting Strain Models in Theory of Viscoelasticity, invited lecture at the workshop "Regularity aspects in linear growth problems", Augsburg, Germany, September 2019
  • PDE analysis of a thermodynamically compatible viscoelastic rate-type fluid with stress diffusion, invited lecture at the minisymposium at theconference "ICIAM 2019", Valencia, Spain, July 2019
  • PDE analysis of a class of thermodynamically compatible viscoelastic compressible and incompressible rate-type fluids with stress-diffusion, invited lecture at the workshop "Workshop on Fluids and Waves", GSSI L'Aquila, Italy, June 2018
  • On nonlinear elliptic equations beyond the natural duality pairing, invited lecture at conference "Recent developments in Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations and Applications", Bangalore, India, November 2017
  • Limiting strain models in elasticity theory and variational integrals with linear growth, invited lecture in Minisymposium "On Limiting Strain Behaviour of Elastic Materials" at "SIAM conference on Mathematical aspects of Material Science", Philadelphia, USA, May 2016
  • On nonlinear elliptic equations beyond the natural duality pairing, invited lecture in Minisymposium "Advances in Partial Differential Equations" at "9th European Conference on Elliptic and Parabolic Problems" Gaeta, Italy, May 2016
  • Limiting strain models in elasticity theory and variational integrals with linear growth, invited lecture at the workshop "Modelling and Analysis of Problems in Continuum Mechanics", Kassel, Germany, May 2015
  • Large data analysis for the Kolmogorov two-equation model of turbulence, invited lecture in minisymposium at "Equadiff 15", Lyon, France, 2015
  • On existence of weak solution to a model describing incompressible mixtures with thermal diffusion cross effects, invited lecture at the workshop "Compflows 2014", Bedlewo, Poland, May 2014
  • On existence theory for general nonlinear elliptic and parabolic equations with bad data, invited series of lectures at 10th international school on "Nonlinear Analysis, Function Spaces and Applications (NAFSA10)", Třešť, Czech Republic, 2014
  • On Hölder continuity of solution to elliptic systems & variational integrals, invited lecture at "Equadiff 13", Prague, Czech Republic, 2013
  • On implicitly constituted incompressible fluids series of lectures at the 13th School Mathematical Theory in Fluid Mechanics, Kácov, Czech Republic, 2013
  • Regularity issues in systems describing flows of incompressible fluids, invited lecture at workshop "Model reduction in continuum thermodynamics: Modeling, analysis and computation", BIRS, Canada, September 2012
  • On scalar hyperbolic laws with discontinuous fluxes, invited lecture at minisymposium "Hyperbolic Conservation Laws" - 6th European Congress of Mathematics, Kraków, Poland, July 2012
  • On the analysis of unsteady flows of implicitly constituted incompressible fluids, invited lecture at minisymposium "Implicitly constituted material models: modeling and analysis" - 6th European Congress of Mathematics, Kraków, Poland, July 2012
  • On existence analysis for unsteady flow of incompressible fluids with implicit constitutive relation for Cauchy stress in Orlicz space setting, invited lecture at special session "Navier-Stokes Equations and Related Problems", The 8th AIMS Conference on Dynamical Systems, Differential Equations and Applications, Dresden, Germany, 2010
  • Mathematical Analysis of Unsteady Flows of Fluids with Pressure, Shear-rate and Temperature Dependent Material Moduli, serie of lectures at Winter school on Non-Newtonian Fluids, Korbielów, Poland, February 2009

Bibliography data

Original articles: 90; Invited surveys: 1; Invited chapters in book: 6

Researcher identifiers: ORCID, Researcher ID, Google Scholar, MR Author ID, Scopus

Bibliometric data (March 2023)MathScinetWeb of ScienceScopus
Number of citations9951 0421 075
Without self-citing articlesnot available825712