To succesfully complete the following task use the following shiny app.


Use this shiny app to fill the following table with the symbols:

This symbol will represent your opinion on the choice of this particular two-sample statistic in the case of violation null hypothesis described by the plot of hazard functions.

Statistic Weight function \(G(\rho, \gamma)\)
Logrank (Mantel) \(1\) \(G(0,0)\)
Gehan-Wilcoxon \(\overline{Y}(t)\)
Prentice-Wilcoxon \(\widehat{S}(t-)\) \(G(1,0)\)
\(\left[1-\widehat{S}(t-)\right]^{\gamma}\) \(G(0, \gamma)\)
Fleming-Harrington \(0 < \rho \leq \gamma\) \(G(\rho, \gamma)\)

Announcement: next exercise will be on Tuesday 17th December!