Lecture revision: blackboard notes.

PBC (Primary Biliary Cirrhosis) dataset

This data is from the Mayo Clinic trial in primary biliary cholangitis (cirrhosis, PBC) of the liver conducted between 1974 and 1984. A total of 424 PBC patients, referred to Mayo Clinic during that ten-year interval, met eligibility criteria for the randomized placebo controlled trial of the drug D-penicillamine. The first 312 cases in the data set participated in the randomized trial and contain largely complete data. The additional 112 cases did not participate in the clinical trial, but consented to have basic measurements recorded and to be followed for survival. Six of those cases were lost to follow-up shortly after diagnosis, so the data here are on an additional 106 cases as well as the 312 randomized participants.

## [1] 418  20
pbc <- subset(pbc, select = c("id", "time", "status", "trt", "sex", "edema", "bili", "albumin", "platelet"))
# id = case number
# time = number of days between registration and the earlier of death, transplantion, or study analysis in July, 1986
# status = status at endpoint, 0/1/2 for censored, transplant, dead
# trt = 1/2/NA for D-penicillamin, placebo, not randomised
# sex =  m/f
# edema = 0 no edema, 0.5 untreated or successfully treated, 1 edema despite diuretic therapy
# bili = serum bilirunbin (mg/dl)
# albumin = serum albumin (g/dl)
# platelet = platelet count
##   id time status trt sex edema bili albumin platelet
## 1  1  400      2   1   f   1.0 14.5    2.60      190
## 2  2 4500      0   1   f   0.0  1.1    4.14      221
## 3  3 1012      2   1   m   0.5  1.4    3.48      151
## 4  4 1925      2   1   f   0.5  1.8    2.54      183
## 5  5 1504      1   2   f   0.0  3.4    3.53      136
## 6  6 2503      2   2   f   0.0  0.8    3.98       NA
##        id             time          status            trt        sex    
##  Min.   :  1.0   Min.   :  41   Min.   :0.0000   Min.   :1.000   m: 44  
##  1st Qu.:105.2   1st Qu.:1093   1st Qu.:0.0000   1st Qu.:1.000   f:374  
##  Median :209.5   Median :1730   Median :0.0000   Median :1.000          
##  Mean   :209.5   Mean   :1918   Mean   :0.8301   Mean   :1.494          
##  3rd Qu.:313.8   3rd Qu.:2614   3rd Qu.:2.0000   3rd Qu.:2.000          
##  Max.   :418.0   Max.   :4795   Max.   :2.0000   Max.   :2.000          
##                                                  NA's   :106            
##      edema             bili           albumin         platelet    
##  Min.   :0.0000   Min.   : 0.300   Min.   :1.960   Min.   : 62.0  
##  1st Qu.:0.0000   1st Qu.: 0.800   1st Qu.:3.243   1st Qu.:188.5  
##  Median :0.0000   Median : 1.400   Median :3.530   Median :251.0  
##  Mean   :0.1005   Mean   : 3.221   Mean   :3.497   Mean   :257.0  
##  3rd Qu.:0.0000   3rd Qu.: 3.400   3rd Qu.:3.770   3rd Qu.:318.0  
##  Max.   :1.0000   Max.   :28.000   Max.   :4.640   Max.   :721.0  
##                                                    NA's   :11

Exponential regression with arbitrary random censoring

Let us consider the following problem and assume the model described here. We are interested in the distribution of the survival time of a patient denoted by \(T\). \(C\) will denote the (censoring) time when the patient had (or would have had) transplantation or the time for which (s)he/it has been observed. What we actually measure is the time of the occasion, which comes first, i.e. \(X = \min \{T, C \}\) (variable time). We also know \(\delta\) - the indicator of which type of the event actually happened (variable status). Our data consist of \(n\) = 418 triplets \(\left(X_i, \delta_i, \mathbf{Z}_i\right)\), where \(\mathbf{Z}_i\) are other measured covariates.

We assume that these triplets are stochastically independent of each other, censoring times \(C_i\) are arbitrary and independent of survival times \(T_i\), however, we assume that \[T_i\,|\,\mathbf{Z}_i \,\sim\, \mathsf{Exp} \bigl(\lambda(\mathbf{Z}_i, \boldsymbol\beta) \bigr), \qquad \text{where} \; \lambda(\mathbf{Z}, \boldsymbol \beta) = \lambda_0 \exp \bigl\{ \boldsymbol\beta^{\mathsf{T}} \mathbf{Z} \bigr\} \] are individual hazards arising from the linear combination of given covariates. \(\lambda_0\) is called the baseline hazard (\(\lambda = \lambda_0 \Leftrightarrow \mathbf{Z}_i = \mathbf{0}\)). For identifiability purposes we do not include intercept among the covariates \(\mathbf{Z}_i\) (in this notation). The goal is to estimate unknown coefficients \(\boldsymbol \beta\) in order to describe the influence of covariates on the hazard.

We can fit this model in R using the glm function with appropriate setting (see the lecture notes).

Usage of glm function

The following must be done:

However, even if we proceed according to these rules, the following model is still invalid:

fit_cens_WRONG <- glm(status ~ trt + sex + edema + bili + albumin + platelet + offset(log(time)), family = poisson, data = pbc)
## Call:
## glm(formula = status ~ trt + sex + edema + bili + albumin + platelet + 
##     offset(log(time)), family = poisson, data = pbc)
## Coefficients:
##               Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
## (Intercept) -3.7767641  0.5943777  -6.354 2.10e-10 ***
## trt         -0.1222921  0.1241319  -0.985 0.324536    
## sexf        -0.7083493  0.1657342  -4.274 1.92e-05 ***
## edema        0.8306849  0.2182798   3.806 0.000141 ***
## bili         0.0982134  0.0098939   9.927  < 2e-16 ***
## albumin     -0.9490988  0.1564953  -6.065 1.32e-09 ***
## platelet    -0.0010431  0.0006906  -1.511 0.130910    
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## (Dispersion parameter for poisson family taken to be 1)
##     Null deviance: 776.37  on 307  degrees of freedom
## Residual deviance: 533.22  on 301  degrees of freedom
##   (110 observations deleted due to missingness)
## AIC: 909.32
## Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 6


Find out what is wrong with this model and make necessary changes.

You should correct the following:

After needed changes we get the following results:

fit_cens <- glm(delta ~ ftrt + fsex + fedema + bili + albumin + platelet + offset(log(time)), family = poisson, data = subdata)
## Call:
## glm(formula = delta ~ ftrt + fsex + fedema + bili + albumin + 
##     platelet + offset(log(time)), family = poisson, data = subdata)
## Coefficients:
##                      Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
## (Intercept)        -5.1171852  0.7756655  -6.597 4.19e-11 ***
## ftrtD-penicillamin  0.1533012  0.1860559   0.824  0.40997    
## ftrtnot_rand       -0.0067883  0.2341321  -0.029  0.97687    
## fsexfemale         -0.5580839  0.2285004  -2.442  0.01459 *  
## fedemaappeared      0.3791800  0.2399243   1.580  0.11401    
## fedemaserious       1.0097446  0.3074263   3.285  0.00102 ** 
## bili                0.1024013  0.0131163   7.807 5.85e-15 ***
## albumin            -0.8922870  0.2027481  -4.401 1.08e-05 ***
## platelet           -0.0012364  0.0008936  -1.384  0.16649    
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## (Dispersion parameter for poisson family taken to be 1)
##     Null deviance: 529.71  on 406  degrees of freedom
## Residual deviance: 387.11  on 398  degrees of freedom
## AIC: 715.11
## Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 6

Classical functions as anova, drop1, add1 which provide the likelihood-ratio tests can be used to look for a suitable model (covariates to be included):

anova(fit_cens, test = "Chisq")      ### sequential tests!!!
drop1(fit_cens, test = "Chisq")
add1(fit_cens, scope = c("ftrt:albumin", "fedema:bili"), test = "Chisq")

Homework assignment

Find a suitable model for \(\lambda(\mathbf{Z}, \boldsymbol\beta)\) based on pbc data and interpret it. Write down also all the assumptions of the used probabilistic model including the formula for \(\lambda(\mathbf{Z}, \boldsymbol\beta)\).

  • Deadline for report: 18th November 2024, 05:55 CET.

Maybe a useful function to propose a useful parametrization of a continuous variable:

variables <- c("bili", "albumin", "platelet")
PlotCoefFactor <- function(variable, ngroups = 10){
  # variable must be in the data
  if(!is.element(variable, colnames(subdata))){stop(paste("variable", variable, "is not included in subdata!"))}
  # ngroups >= 2 !!!!
  if(ngroups < 2){stop("ngroups has to be at least 2!")}
  othervar <- setdiff(variables, variable)
  qq <- quantile(subdata[,variable], probs = seq(0,1,length.out = ngroups+1))
  ff <- cut(subdata[,variable], breaks = c(-Inf, qq[2:ngroups], Inf))
  model <- glm(as.formula(paste("delta ~ ftrt + fsex + fedema + ff +",
                                paste(setdiff(variables, variable), collapse = " + "), 
                                " + offset(log(time))", sep = "")), 
               family = poisson, data = subdata)
  yy <- c(0, # coefficient for the first (reference) group
          model$coefficients[grep("ff", names(model$coefficients))]) 
  xx <- (qq[1:ngroups]+qq[2:(ngroups+1)])/2
  plot(yy ~ xx, 
       type = "b", 
       xlab = variable, 
       ylab = "Coefficient",
       cex = summary(ff)/max(summary(ff))*2+0.5)

# For example bili
par(mar = c(4,4,1,1))

Ignoring censoring

Suppose we were not given the \(\delta\)-indicator and we act as if the variable time always represents the time of death of a patient. We would still assume the same model \[X_i = T_i\,|\,\mathbf{Z}_i \sim \mathsf{Exp} \bigl(\lambda(\mathbf{Z}_i, \boldsymbol\beta) \bigr), \qquad \text{where} \; \lambda(\mathbf{Z}, \boldsymbol \beta) = \lambda_0 \exp \bigl\{ \boldsymbol\beta^{\mathsf{T}} \mathbf{Z} \bigr\}. \] This model is exponential regression that belongs to the Gamma family of GLM and can be fitted directly using glm function in two ways.

Replace delta by vector of ones

fit_exp_regr2 <- glm(rep(1,dim(subdata)[1]) ~ ftrt + fsex + fedema + bili + albumin + platelet + offset(log(time)), family=poisson, data = subdata)
## Call:
## glm(formula = rep(1, dim(subdata)[1]) ~ ftrt + fsex + fedema + 
##     bili + albumin + platelet + offset(log(time)), family = poisson, 
##     data = subdata)
## Coefficients:
##                      Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
## (Intercept)        -6.0701177  0.5067504 -11.979  < 2e-16 ***
## ftrtD-penicillamin  0.0225142  0.1151535   0.196 0.844990    
## ftrtnot_rand        0.1896398  0.1334791   1.421 0.155391    
## fsexfemale         -0.0373090  0.1632920  -0.228 0.819273    
## fedemaappeared      0.1099083  0.1676906   0.655 0.512195    
## fedemaserious       0.6979189  0.2570672   2.715 0.006629 ** 
## bili                0.0474806  0.0113436   4.186 2.84e-05 ***
## albumin            -0.4358263  0.1292282  -3.373 0.000745 ***
## platelet           -0.0004048  0.0005343  -0.758 0.448616    
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## (Dispersion parameter for poisson family taken to be 1)
##     Null deviance: 199.30  on 406  degrees of freedom
## Residual deviance: 140.67  on 398  degrees of freedom
## AIC: 972.67
## Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 5

These approaches yield (almost) the same estimates except for change of sign. However, what is the comparison of these results to the model with censoring times?

Small simulation study

What would happen if the censoring was ignored and the parameters would be estimated based on the model \[X_i = T_i \sim \mathsf{Exp}\left(\lambda_i\right), \qquad \lambda_i = \lambda_0 \exp \bigl\{\beta Z_i\bigr\},\] however, the true model would be the one with censoring? See the script ignoring_censoring.R.