Lecture revision: blackboard notes.
The cumulative hazard can be estimated non-parametrically by the Nelson-Aalen estimator defined as
\[ \widehat{\Lambda}(t)=\int_0^t\frac{\,\mathrm{d} \overline{N}(u)}{\overline{Y}(u)}= \sum_{\{i: t_i\leq t\}} \frac{\Delta\overline{N}(t_i)}{\overline{Y}(t_i)}, \] where \(0<t_1<t_2<\cdots<t_d\) are ordered distinct failure times.
The Kaplan-Meier [KM] estimator of the survival function is \[ \widehat{S}(t)=\prod_{\{i: t_i\leq t\}}\biggl[1-\frac{\Delta\overline{N}(t_i)}{\overline{Y}(t_i)}\biggr]. \] If the distribution of \(T_i\) is continuous, one could define an alternative survival function estimator using the relationship \(S(t)=\exp\{-\Lambda(t)\}\) applied to the Nelson-Aalen estimator, that is \[ \widehat{S}_*(t)=\exp\{-\widehat{\Lambda}(t)\}=\prod_{\{i: t_i\leq t\}}\exp\biggl\{-\frac{\Delta\overline{N}(t_i)}{\overline{Y}(t_i)}\biggr\}. \] This is called the Fleming-Harrington [FH] estimator (sometimes also the Breslow estimator). Because \(\exp\{-h\}\approx 1-h\) for small \(h\), the difference between the KM and FH estimators is small unless the risk set size \(\overline{Y}(u)\) is not large enough, which happens at the largest failure times. The FH estimator is not suitable for discrete data, while the KM estimator works well for both discrete and continuous cases.
The dataset fans
[Nelson, Journal of Quality Technology,
1:27-52, 1969] comes from an engineering study of the time to failure of
diesel generator fans. Seventy generators were studied. For each one,
the number of hours of running time from its first being put into
service until fan failure or until the end of the study (whichever came
first) was recorded.
The data is available in the RData
format from this link. The dataframe is called
, the variable fans$time
includes the
censored failure time \(X_i\) (in
hours), the variable fans$fail
is the failure indicator
We will use this dataset to demonstrate the calculation of cumulative hazard and survival function estimates.
Using ordinary R functions (table
, cumsum
, rev
, …, but not functions from the
package), calculate and print the following
\(i\) | \(t_i\) | \(d_i\) | \(y_i\) | \(d_i/y_i\) | \(L_i\) | \(S_i\) | \(S^*_i\) |
1 | … | … | … | … | … | … | … |
… | … | … | … | … | … | … | … |
d | … | … | … | … | … | … | … |
where \(i\) is the order of the failures, \(t_i\) is the ordered failure time, \(d_i=\Delta\overline{N}(t_i)\), \(y_i=\overline{Y}(t_i)\), \(L_i=\widehat{\Lambda}(t_i)\), \(S_i=\widehat{S}(t_i)\), and \(S^*_i=\widehat{S}_*(t_i)\).
Then plot the cumulative hazard estimator and both survival function estimators.
The basic functions for censored data analysis are available in R
package survival
. Censored data are entered as special
survival objects created in this way:
Surv(time, del)
## see help("Surv")
# used as a response variable in a model formula
# right censoring is set as default
where time
is a numeric vector containing the censored
failure times and del
is a numeric vector containing
failure indicators (1 = failure, 0 = censored). Survival objects are
used as input to functions providing analysis of censored data.
Survival function estimates are calculated by the function
. The most rudimentary use of this function is
fit <- survfit(Surv(time, del) ~ 1, data = data)
This calculates the KM estimator. The FH estimator is obtained by
adding an option type
fit <- survfit(Surv(time, del) ~ 1, type = "fleming", data = data)
The results can be plotted easily by calling
For demonstration, we will use the dataset aml
in library("survival")
. Survival in patients with Acute
Myelogenous Leukemia. The question at the time was whether the standard
course of chemotherapy should be extended (‘maintenance’) for additional
## time status x
## 1 9 1 Maintained
## 2 13 1 Maintained
## 3 13 0 Maintained
## 4 18 1 Maintained
## 5 23 1 Maintained
## 6 28 0 Maintained
## 7 31 1 Maintained
## 8 34 1 Maintained
## 9 45 0 Maintained
## 10 48 1 Maintained
## 11 161 0 Maintained
## 12 5 1 Nonmaintained
## 13 5 1 Nonmaintained
## 14 8 1 Nonmaintained
## 15 8 1 Nonmaintained
## 16 12 1 Nonmaintained
## 17 16 0 Nonmaintained
## 18 23 1 Nonmaintained
## 19 27 1 Nonmaintained
## 20 30 1 Nonmaintained
## 21 33 1 Nonmaintained
## 22 43 1 Nonmaintained
## 23 45 1 Nonmaintained
We get a full description of our estimates of survival function by
applied to survfit
fit_KM <- survfit(Surv(time, status) ~ 1, data = aml)
## Call: survfit(formula = Surv(time, status) ~ 1, data = aml)
## time n.risk n.event survival std.err lower 95% CI upper 95% CI
## 5 23 2 0.9130 0.0588 0.8049 1.000
## 8 21 2 0.8261 0.0790 0.6848 0.996
## 9 19 1 0.7826 0.0860 0.6310 0.971
## 12 18 1 0.7391 0.0916 0.5798 0.942
## 13 17 1 0.6957 0.0959 0.5309 0.912
## 18 14 1 0.6460 0.1011 0.4753 0.878
## 23 13 2 0.5466 0.1073 0.3721 0.803
## 27 11 1 0.4969 0.1084 0.3240 0.762
## 30 9 1 0.4417 0.1095 0.2717 0.718
## 31 8 1 0.3865 0.1089 0.2225 0.671
## 33 7 1 0.3313 0.1064 0.1765 0.622
## 34 6 1 0.2761 0.1020 0.1338 0.569
## 43 5 1 0.2208 0.0954 0.0947 0.515
## 45 4 1 0.1656 0.0860 0.0598 0.458
## 48 2 1 0.0828 0.0727 0.0148 0.462
We calculate and plot KM and FH estimates like this
fit_FH <- survfit(Surv(time, status) ~ 1, type = "fleming", data = aml)
par(mar=c(4, 4, 1, 1))
plot(fit_KM, conf.int = FALSE, col = "blue",
xlab = "Time", ylab = "Survival probability")
lines(fit_FH, conf.int = FALSE, col = "red")
legend("topright", c("Kaplan-Meier", "Fleming-Harrington"),
col = c("blue", "red"), lty = 1, bty = "n")
We suppressed the plotting of the confidence intervals.
Sometimes you can come across figures with crosses at times where an
observation was censored (set mark.time = TRUE
, default
is +
par(mar = c(4, 4, 1, 1))
plot(fit_KM, conf.int = FALSE, col = "blue", mark.time = TRUE,
xlab = "Time", ylab = "Survival probability")
col = "blue", lty = 1, bty = "n")
Using the formula notation, we can easily create and plot separate
curves for two distinct subgroups of observations (declared by the
factor variable x
within model formula instead of
fit_gr <- survfit(Surv(time, status) ~ x, data = aml)
par(mar = c(4, 4, 1, 1))
plot(fit_gr, col = c("green", "magenta"), xlab = "Time", ylab = "Survival probability")
legend("topright", levels(aml$x), col = c("green","magenta"), lty = 1, bty = "n")
It is interesting to investigate the contents of the
object by calling str(fit_KM)
. By
doing so, you may discover also the Nelson-Aalen estimator of cumulative
hazard function hidden in $cumhaz
. Regardless of selected
or fleming
always contains the Nelson-Aalen estimator. If you
need cumulative hazard estimator derived from Kaplan-Meier estimator of
survival function you have to use the transformation \(\Lambda(t) = - \log \left( S(t) \right)\).
You can also easily plot the cumulative hazard function(s) by adding
fun = "cumhaz"
into the plot command (see
for other uses of fun
par(mar = c(4, 4, 1, 1))
plot(fit_gr, col = c("green", "magenta"), xlab = "Time", ylab = "Cumulative hazard function",
fun = "cumhaz")
legend("topright", levels(aml$x), col = c("green","magenta"), lty = 1, bty = "n")
You can also use library("ggplot2")
in cooperation with
to obtain nicer plots:
ggsurvplot(fit_gr, conf.int = FALSE, censor= TRUE,
ggtheme = theme_minimal())
Calculate and plot the cumulative hazard estimator and both survival
function estimators for fans
data using the function
. Compare the results to those you obtained in Task
1. Include the code, output and comments in your report.
Advice: Implement your own function for creating nicely looking step-functions. You will surely use it in a near future.
Show that the Nelson-Aalen estimator satisfies the equation \[ \sum_{i=1}^n \widehat{\Lambda}(X_i)=\sum_{i=1}^n \delta_i. \]
Show that under absence of censored data the Kaplan-Meier estimator becomes classical empirical estimator: \[ \widehat{S}(t) = \prod\limits_{\{j: t_j \leq t\}} \left[1 - \dfrac{\Delta\overline{N}(t_j)}{\overline{Y}(t_j)}\right] = \frac{1}{n}\sum \limits_{i=1}^n \mathbb{I}(X_i > t), \quad \forall t >0. \]