To succesfully complete the following task use the following shiny app.

Task (during the class, including discussion)

Use this shiny app to fill the following table with the symbols:

This symbol will represent your opinion on the choice of this particular two-sample statistic in the case of violation null hypothesis described by the plot of hazard functions.

Using the app find at least one example (distributions of survival times \(T_1\), \(T_2\) and their censoring distributions) where some choice of weight function is inappropriate (low power under evident H0 violation) while some other weight function rejects obvious violation of null hypothesis.

Statistic Weight function \(G(\rho, \gamma)\)
Logrank (Mantel) \(1\) \(G(0,0)\)
Prentice-Wilcoxon \(\widehat{S}(t-)\) \(G(1,0)\)
\(\left[1-\widehat{S}(t-)\right]\) \(G(0, 1)\)
Fleming-Harrington \(\rho = \gamma = 1\) \(G(1, 1)\)

The rest of this exercise is focused on real data analyses with different hazard shapes.

Homework assignment

Compare survival distributions between the two groups of interest in one of the following datasets. Conduct the analysis according to the same steps as in the previous exercise.

  1. Calculate and plot survival functions.

  2. Calculate and plot Nelson-Aalen estimators of cumulative hazard functions.

  3. Plot smoothed hazard functions.

  4. Perform logrank, Prentice-Wilcoxon, \(G(0,1)\) or some particular \(G(\rho,\gamma)\) tests using functions survdiff or FHtestrcc. Interpret the results. Discuss the choice of weight function with respect to the power of the resulting test.

For the report, choose just one of Comparisons (i.e., just one comparison).

Comparisons to consider

Activate the dataset veteran by calling data(veteran). It includes 137 observations and eight variables. The observations are lung cancer patients. The variable time contains survival time (in days) since the start of treatment. The variable status includes the event indicator (1 = death, 0 = censoring). The variable trt distinguishes two different treatments (1 = standard, 2 = experimental). The treatment was randomly assigned to the patients.

You can also perform a small simulation study for yourself:

Task (simulation study, optional)

Let the censoring distribution in both samples be exponential with the rate \(\lambda=0.2\) (the expectation is \(1/\lambda=5\)), independent of survival. Put both samples in a single dataframe, introducing a variable distinguishing which sample each observation comes from.

Compare survival distributions between the two groups using the generated data. Conduct the analysis according to the steps 1–4 and display the true survival and hazard functions in the plots generated at steps 1–3 of the analysis.