David Stanovský    //   



  • Fundamental concepts of knot theory: equivalence, Reidemeister moves, basic invariants
  • Coloring invariants
  • Seifert surfaces, Alexander polynomial
  • Skein relations, Conway and Jones polynomial
  • Braid groups
  • Vassiliev invariants

The fundamental material is the book Knot Theory and Its Applications by Kunio Murasugi, chapters 1-7 and 10-11, possibly a little bit from 12-14. After chapter 4, I will make a short intermezzo on knot coloring, which is the topic of my research. I will also slightly reorder the material and add a few things from the new booklet Knots, Links, and their Invariants by Alexei Sossinsky.

As a supplementary material, videos from 2021 are available at the older website of the course. This year, we will cover similar, but not exactly the same topics.

Program: (actual for past lectures, tentative for future lectures):

topic Murasugi Sossinsky other materials exercises
2.10.Introduction: a computational view of knot theory.
Fundamental concepts: knots and links, equivalence, diagrams, knot tables.
1.1-1.4, 2.1
1.1, 1.3, 1.4
intro slides
pěkné motivační video
Gauss codes [M 2.2]
9.10.Arithmetic of knots: connected sum, inverses, mirror images.
Some naive invariants.
Prime decomposition and naive invariants
16.10.Reidemester theorem. Invariants: linking number, writhe. 4.1, 4.5 1.2, 8.4 Reidemeister moves and linking number.
23.10.Coloring invariants. 4.6 more on quandle coloring Calculating knot coloring.
30.10.Conway polynomial (via skein relation). 6.2 2 Calculating the Conway polynomial.
6.11. Seifert surfaces and their genus, Seifert matrices. 5.1-5.3 Calculating Seifert surfaces.
13.11.Equivalence of Seifert matrices. 5.4, 6.1 Seifert surfaces and genus.
20.11.Properties of the Alexander polynomial, its relation to the Conway polynomial. 6.1-6.3 / 6.4 (pract.) Signature of a knot, and distinguishing mirror images.
27.11.Kauffmann bracket, Jones polynomial: definition, calculation. 11.5, 11.1, 11.2 5, 6.1 Calculating the Jones polynomial.
4.12.Jones polynomial: properties, generalizations. 11.3, 11.4 6 Calculating the Jones and other polynomials.
11.12.Braid group, constructing knots from braids. 10.1-10.4 7 Braid groups.
18.12.Vassiliev invariants. 14 8-11 Torus knots: definition.
1.1.--- Torus knots: equivalence.
8.1.Vassiliev invariants. 14 8-11 Torus knots: the Jones polynomial.

Other literature:

  • any book on knot theory, a particularly good one is, for instance, P. Cromwell: Knots and Links, or C. Adams: The Knot Book
  • knot coloring - Nelson, Elhamdadi: Quandles: An Introduction to the Algebra of Knots

Exam: The exam is oral. You wil be given two questions:
1) A long one, asking to explain certain topic. Example: "Define the Alexander polynomial using Seifert matrices, explain why it is an invariant and show that it is symmetric for knots." Example: "Explain the Reidemester theorem and prove it."
2) A short one, asking to calculate certain invariant. Example: "Find 5-coloring of a given knot (concrete picture will be given)."
I expect you to know all proofs and methods as explained at the lecture. In particular, if the proof was just a sketch, you are expected to understand the idea, but I will not ask more details than presented at the lecture.
There are no fixed dates for the exam. Suggest a date, I will tell you if I am available - at least a couple days ahead of your planned exam. I am in Prague most of the time, but I am not always free - I have large scale exams on general algebra, occassional meetings, etc.
Following a tradition, there is one exam date in SIS, and it is special: exam in nature (zkouška v přírodě). See SIS for a description and feel free to ask for more info.