Mathematical publications
Articles in journals and proceedings
Alexandr Kazda, Peter Mayr, Dmitriy Zhuk.
Small Promise CSPs that
reduce to large CSPs. Logical Methods in Computer
Science, Volume 18, Issue 3, 2022.
- Alexandr Kazda, Michael Kompatscher.
Local-global property for G-invariant terms. International
Journal of Algebra and Computation. Vol. 32, No. 06, pp. 1209-1231,2022.
- Alexandr Kazda. Deciding the existence of quasi weak near unanimity terms
in finite algebras. Journal of Multiple-Valued Logic and Soft
Computing 36(4-5), pp. 337-352, 2021. (preprint)
- Alexandr Kazda, Jakub Opršal, Matt Valeriote, Dmitriy Zhuk.
Deciding the existence of
minority terms Canadian Mathematical Bulletin 63 (3), pp. 577 - 591,
- Alexandr Kazda, Dmitriy Zhuk. Existence of cube terms in
finite algebras. Algebra Universalis 82, 11, 2021. DOI:
10.1007/s00012-020-00700-7. (preprint)
- Alexandr Kazda, Matt Valeriote. Deciding some Maltsev
conditions in finite idempotent algebras. The Journal of Symbolic
Logic 85 (2), 2020. DOI: 10.1017/jsl.2019.73.
- Alexandr Kazda, Vladimir Kolmogorov, Michal Rolínek.
Even Delta-Matroids and the Complexity of Planar Boolean CSPs. ACM
Transactions on Algorithms, 15 (2), 2018. DOI: 10.1145/3230649
(Journal version of our SODA 2017 paper.)
- Alexandr Kazda. Taylor term does not imply any nontrivial
linear one-equality Maltsev condition. Algebra
Universalis, 80(9), 2019, DOI:10.1007/s00012-019-0580-x
Alexandr Kazda, Marcin Kozik, Ralph McKenzie, Matthew Moore. Absorption and
directed Jónsson terms. In Don Pigozzi on Abstract Algebraic Logic,
Universal Algebra, and Computer Science. Outstanding Contributions to
Logic, vol 16, pages 203–220. Springer, Cham, 2018. (preprint)
- Alexandr Kazda. n-permutability
and linear Datalog implies symmetric Datalog.
Logical Methods in Computer Sciences, 14 (2), 2018,
DOI: 10.23638/LMCS-14(2:3)2018.
Alexandr Kazda, Vladimir Kolmogorov, Michal Rolínek. Even
Delta-Matroids and the Complexity of Planar Boolean CSPs,
Proceedings of the Twenty-Eighth Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete
Algorithms (SODA'17). 2017, 307–326. (preprint).
- Alexandr Kazda, Libor Barto: Deciding
absorption. International
Journal of Algebra and Computation, 26(5):1033-1060, 2016,
DOI: 10.1142/S0218196716500430(preprint).
- Alexandr Kazda: CSP for binary conservative relational
structures. Algebra Universalis, 75(1):75-84, 2015,
- Mark Kambites, Alexandr Kazda.
The word problem for free adequate semigroups. International Journal of Algebra and Computation,
24(06):893–907, 2014. DOI: 10.1142/S0218196714500404 (preprint)
- Alexandr Kazda. Complexity of the homomorphism extension problem
in the random case. Chicago Journal of Theoretical Computer Science. 2013 (9),
2013. DOI:
Jarkko Kari, Alexandr Kazda, Paula Steinby. On continuous weighted finite
automata. Linear Algebra and its Applications. Volume 436, Issue 7, 2012, pages
1791-1824. DOI:
10.1016/j.laa.2011.10.031 (preprint)
Alexandr Kazda: Maltsev digraphs
have a majority polymorphism. European Journal of
Combinatorics 32 (2011), pages 390-397. (preprint)
Petr Kůrka, Alexandr Kazda: Moebius number systems
based on interval covers. Nonlinearity 23 (2010), pages 1031-1046,
Alexandr Kazda:
Möbius Number Systems. Novi Sad Journal of Mathematics. Volume 40.
Number 3. 2010. Pages 27-53. (Proceedings of 3rd Novi Sad Algebraic
Alexandr Kazda, Petr Kůrka.
Representing real numbers in Möbius number systems. in Actes des
rencontres du CIRM, 1 no. 1 (2009), p. 35-39. (Proceedings of the
Numeration conference)
Alexandr Kazda.
Convergence in Möbius Number Systems. Integers.
volume 9, issue 3. pages 261-279. 2009. (subscription-free
Alexandr Kazda.
The Chain Relation in Sofic Subshifts. Fundamenta
Informaticae. volume 84. number 3-4. pages 375-390. 2008.
Conference talks
The symbol ♥ marks invited talks.
- The interpretability lattice of
clonoids is distributive, 97th AAA, Vienna, March, 2019
- Algebraic Approach to Promise Constraint Satisfaction, Noon lecture, Dept of Applied Mathematics, Charles University, March, 2018
- ♥ The interpretability
lattice of clonoids, 95th AAA, Bratislava, 2018
- Solving edge CSP with even delta-matroid constraints, The 55th Summer School on Algebra and Ordered Sets, Starý Smokovec, 2017
- Solving edge CSP with even delta-matroid constraints, AAA94+NSAC 2017, Novi Sad, 2017
- Minority is the join of two varieties defined by linear
equations, 94th AAA, Bern, 2017
- Delta-Matroids and the Complexity of Planar Boolean CSPs, SODA 2017, Barcelona, 2017
- Finding Ramsey, Structure and Complexity in Universal Algebra, Nashville, 2016
- ♥ Directed Jónsson terms, 92th AAA, Prague, 2016
- Even delta-matroids and the complexity
of planar Boolean CSPs, Algebra and Algorithms, Boulder, 2016
- Linear Datalog and k-permutability
symmetric Datalog, Algebraic
and Model Theoretical Methods in Constraint Satisfaction, Banff, 2014
- No M3s and Maltsev implies
majority, 53rd Summer School on General Algebra and Ordered Sets,
Srní, 2015
- Linear Datalog and n-permutability implies symmetric
Datalog, The Constraint Satisfaction Problem: Complexity and
Approximability workshop, Schloss Dagstuhl, 2015
- Deciding the existence of a $k$-wnu operation in polynomial
time, 90th AAA, Novi Sad, 2015
- Linear Datalog and k-permutability
symmetric Datalog, Algebraic
and Model Theoretical Methods in Constraint Satisfaction, Banff, 2014
- Linear Datalog and k-permutability
symmetric Datalog, Conference on Algebras and Clones, Prague, 2014
- Algorithms that decide absorption, 2014 North American Annual Meeting
of the Association for Symbolic Logic, Boulder, 2014
- How to decide absorption (joint work with Libor Barto), AMS Sectional
Meeting, Louisville, 2013
- How to decide absorption (joint work with Libor Barto), Novi
Sad Algebraic Conference 2013, Novi Sad, 2013
- Absorbing sets and where to
find them, 86th AAA, Olomouc, 2013
- Absorption in idempotent
reducts of groups, 50th Summer School on
Algebra and Ordered Sets
- Absorption and reflexive
digraphs (joint work with Libor Barto), Conference on
Universal Algebra and Lattice Theory, Szeged, 2012
- Dichotomy for conservative
digraphs, 84rd AAA, Dresden, 2012
- Random CSP
complexity, Summer
Thematic Program on Mathematics of Constraint Satisfaction, Toronto,
- Dichotomy
for conservative digraphs, Summer
Thematic Program on Mathematics of Constraint Satisfaction, Toronto,
- Maltsev digraphs have a majority
polymorphism, Jardafest, Prague, 2010
- Möbius number systems, Novi Sad Algebraic Conference, 2009
- Möbius number systems, Marseille, 2009
- Continuous weighted finite
automata, Liege, 2009 (poster presentation)
- The chain relation in sofic
subshifts, Paris, 2007